Profile PictureShahab Gh.Dordinejad

The Mom Test

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Find out if your business is a good idea when you talk to customers and everyone is lying to you.

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Is this book for you? Hello, You’ve read about Customer Development or Lean Startup and aren’t sure how to actually go about having your first customer conversation. You’re a traditional business or sales person aiming to be more effective within a young company which hasn’t yet found its business model. You mentor, support, or invest in startups and want to help them have more useful customer conversations. You’ve fallen in love with a new business idea and want to figure out if it has legs before quitting your job. You’re raising funding and the investors want to see more evidence that you’re solving a real problem. You find this whole process incredibly awkward and really wish there was an easier way to do it. You’ve got a vague sense of an opportunity and want to figure out exactly what it is.

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The Mom Test

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